Varnish in Cloud Website Hosting
We offer Varnish as an optional upgrade with each Linux cloud website hosting service and if you would like to use it, you can add it to your web hosting account through the Upgrades section in your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. There are two separate things that can be upgraded – the instances and the memory. The first one refers to the number of the sites that you would like to employ Varnish for and the second one, which is available in increments of 32 MB, refers to the total amount of data that the data caching platform can store at any particular time. The Hepsia Control Panel’s intuitive interface will permit you to switch off or to reboot any instance, to check exhaustive logs or to delete the platform’s cache with just one click. For maximum results, you can use a dedicated IP address for the Internet sites that will use the caching platform. With Varnish, your site will open much faster, which means more happy users and prospective clients.
Varnish in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The Linux semi-dedicated hosting that we offer will permit you to employ Varnish as soon as your new semi-dedicated account has been opened, as the data caching platform is available by default. 64 MB of system memory will be assigned to Varnish the second your account is enabled, so you can make use of this load distribution software once you launch your website. In case you are in need of more memory, you can order 32 megabytes at a time from the Hepsia Control Panel’s Upgrades section and it will be assigned to your semi-dedicated server straight away. You can also increase the number of the sites that employ Varnish, or the so-called ‘instances’, which are not bound directly to the amount of system memory that you use, which suggests that you will enjoy more freedom. The caching platform will considerably decrease the load on the machine that your sites cause, so your website visitors can enjoy fast-loading web pages. You’ll be able to manage Varnish with no effort from your Hepsia Control Panel using quick-access buttons. You’ll be able to start/stop any of the instances that you have, to clear the cached files associated with any of your websites or to check system log files.
Varnish in VPS
You can use the workload balancing capabilities of Varnish with all our VPS services if you pick Hepsia as your Control Panel. The Varnish content caching platform is available by default and the memory that it’ll be able to use to cache your website content is dependent on the particular Virtual Private Server plan that you’ve selected, but even with the lower-end packages, you’ll have no less than several hundred MB of system memory at your disposal exclusively for caching purposes. This amount is sufficient to improve the performance of multiple Internet sites. It’ll take a little time for you to observe the effects, since Varnish caches the content that visitors browse, but after that you will notice the substantially less load on your VPS server and the increased Internet site browsing speed. The Varnish platform will permit you to make use of a less powerful VPS plan for sites that would usually require a more high-priced hosting solution.
Varnish in Dedicated Hosting
In case you order a dedicated server with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you’ll get the Varnish caching platform at no additional fee and you’ll exert full control over it via a rather simple-to-work-with interface – you’ll be able to start, to disable or to restart an instance, to browse an elaborate log, to clear the cached files for any site and much more. The Varnish platform will have several gigabytes of virtual memory at its disposal, so even if you run resource-intensive Internet sites with lots of visitors, you will notice the considerably faster website loading times and the lowered load. This will happen shortly after you start using Varnish, since it will need some time to cache the web pages that people browse. You can make the most of the platform’s capabilities in case the Internet sites that are using it also use a dedicated IP, but considering the fact that your dedicated server includes a few IPs by default, you will not have to pay anything on top of your monthly charge for the machine itself.